Posts tagged leadership
Thriving not Surviving: How to Succeed in Multiple Roles at Work

If you're in a senior leadership position, chances are you're holding two roles in tension at any one point: your role as a head of department or function and your role as a member of the senior leadership team. Plus, there may be some side roles on top, such as sponsoring an employee group, acting as a mentor or internal coach, or leading a strategic project. So, how do you succeed in multiple roles at work?

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The three stages of leadership

Are you familiar with the three stages of leadership? A “one time and done” approach doesn’t work with leadership development, so determining the stage your employees are at and the leadership challenges they face is key. Get it right, though, and leadership coaching can have a profound multiplier effect on your organisation.

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How to speak to your line manager about a promotion

Want to progress in your career? Once you’ve set your sights on a promotion at work and believe you have a fair chance, the first thing you should do is let your line manager know. This article explains what to ask them to help you know if they see you as promotion material and how to get their full support.

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A coaching approach to having better conversations

You can have a better conversation by using the two fundamental building blocks of a coaching approach—questioning and listening. Improving coaching skills can help you make other people feel more heard and understood, enabling you to have more interesting conversations and more fulfilling relationships.

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Redefining Resilience through Energy Sources

Tips on improving resilience and the ability to bounce back after a setback abound online. To enhance our resilience, we need to know ourselves better and find our most effective energy sources. Replenishing these energy resources doesn't have to be time-consuming, but knowing who we are and what helps us to be resilient leaders is well worth the investment.

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How do you lead so that others want to follow?

As a leader, you want your team to follow you but also to be inspired by you and go the extra mile when you need them to. Through my leadership coaching and training, and my own experiences of leading and being led, I’ve learnt that it comes down to one thing. Trust. Understanding your leadership values and leadership style through increased self-awareness is vital to developing this trust.

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