Posts tagged coaching skills
How to build trust through high-quality conversations

High-quality conversations build trust and foster meaningful connections. The key skills required for high-quality conversations are active listening, effective questioning, and overcoming assumptions. Not every conversation needs to be high-quality but putting these skills into practice will help build empathy and drive progress.

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How to speak to your line manager about a promotion

Want to progress in your career? Once you’ve set your sights on a promotion at work and believe you have a fair chance, the first thing you should do is let your line manager know. This article explains what to ask them to help you know if they see you as promotion material and how to get their full support.

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A coaching approach to having better conversations

You can have a better conversation by using the two fundamental building blocks of a coaching approach—questioning and listening. Improving coaching skills can help you make other people feel more heard and understood, enabling you to have more interesting conversations and more fulfilling relationships.

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