How can executive coaching help you develop a high-performing team?

five team members, both sitting and standing, clapping and smiling

In my work with organisational leaders, a common topic of discussion is high-performing teams. Leaders often ask how to determine if their team is truly high-performing and how to reach that level. This is especially difficult in fast-paced environments where team members frequently change. I am also sometimes asked to help senior leadership teams that are struggling, which affects not only their decision-making but also the morale of their team members.

A high-performing team has a substantial degree of trust between members, high levels of communication and collaboration and the ability to adapt to challenges. It also is led by an effective leader who knows what they are doing.

I believe that Executive Coaching has two roles in developing high-performing teams: coaching the leader and coaching the team.

five team members gathered around two laptops smiling

Strengthening team leadership through executive coaching
Team leaders have an amplified impact on their teams' performance. They set the direction and tone of the team, and their interactions with other members act as a blueprint for how they expect others to act. When leaders perform at their best, the positive effects radiate outwards to their team, elevating its performance and helping with people retention and engagement.

Executive coaching can help leaders develop self-awareness and understand and fine-tune their own leadership style. They can also understand their impact on their team and the unforeseen consequences. I recommend that executive coaching be paired with 360-degree feedback, which can help leaders see their blind spots—both positive and negative.

Coaching enables leaders to fine-tune behaviours and skills hindering the team's ability to build trust and collaboration. If leaders are feeling stuck, coaching can help them find clarity, leading to a more focused team with a shared vision and purpose. 

Enhancing team dynamics through executive coaching
Often though, coaching the team leader isn’t enough - there needs to be some element of team coaching as well. This should occur after the leader's coaching so they are fully behind the sessions. 

Relationships are the foundation of any high-performing team. Team success relies heavily on trust and collaboration. When individuals feel valued and trust one another, they are more likely to work together toward shared objectives. Coaching can help address these issues by creating psychological safety, building a culture of mutual support where people feel comfortable offering ideas and constructive criticism, knowing they will be listened to and respected. This environment also helps promote a culture of learning from each other, helping teams to progress further. Psychometrics can also help teams get greater awareness of the working styles and personalities of those in the group, to see that people are not just being “odd” or “difficult”, and to surface ways of working better together.

ariel shot of four rowers in a boat, working together

Conflict is inevitable in team dynamics, especially when diverse perspectives and working styles come into play. While some conflict can be productive, unresolved or mismanaged conflict can damage relationships and hinder progress. Executive coaching helps leaders and teams navigate conflict constructively by allowing them to address tensions before they escalate, encouraging open dialogue, and fostering a problem-solving mindset. 

It’s also essential that the team creates a sense of its own identity and understands where it fits into the broader organisation. A shared understanding of who it is as a team, what it is here to do and how, and why that matters is key for teams to feel a sense of belonging and purpose.


Executive coaching is a transformative process that goes beyond individual development to elevate entire teams. By improving communication, fostering collaboration, managing conflict, and enhancing leadership, coaching can help teams achieve higher levels of performance and effectiveness. In an era where success is driven by teamwork and collaboration, executive coaching equips leaders and their teams with the skills and strategies needed to build cohesive, resilient, and high-performing teams.